Okay so we're fast approaching 13 months, actually, but this poor child definitely suffers from #secondchildproblems - Mommy just never has time to blog about his milestones! (That's why he got a 10 month update instead of a 9 month update like his sister.) But hey, better late than never- so here's a look at Peanut as he celebrates his first birthday.
Growing tall and lean, as always. Just as we went in for his 12-month check-up, his clothes started getting too tight. I don't know if it's the brands he's wearing or what, but there seems to be a very big difference between 9-12 month and 12-18 month in boys' clothes that I just didn't notice with Miss Chief. Not only are the waist bands very forgiving, but the shorts are just very, very long. (I guess nobody wants their little boy to wear short-shorts when he starts to get tall?) Carter's seems to be the only exception- 18 month clothes from Carter's fit him perfectly and he doesn't look like he's swimming in them.
Eating everything, all the time. He gets his own kids meal at restaurants now, which is enough to make me never want to eat out ever again- this little piggy is going to eat us out of house and home! It's harder than you'd think to avoid dairy; I've got a butter alternative for cooking at home, and I don't cook anything with cheese in it (but everyone else can add cheese when the dish is plated), but you really don't think about how many things are made with butter. Daycare is having a particularly difficult time with accommodating him, which is surprising, since lactose intolerance is pretty common even if milk protein allergy maybe isn't- the other day they fed him some buttery crackers and freaked out when his face turned red and swollen. Mr. Geek explained on the phone that no, they probably shouldn't feed him crackers that are described as buttery on the box... He does drink soy milk at daycare, which required a doctor's note, although the doctor still won't run any actual tests to determine that it's the milk protein which causes the skin reactions. A couple of weeks on soy milk seems to be messing with his stomach though- he's bloated, gassy, and has had a blowout diaper every single day this week. We haven't been able to definitely pin it on the soy, though- it might be teething, or an ear infection, or some other food we haven't isolated. Either way, he'll pretty much eat whatever you offer, whether it makes him sick or not. (And when he's full, he'll throw it on the floor.)
Talking if his big sister will let him get a word in edge wise. I've always heard that second children take longer to start talking than the eldest and that seems to be true for him. If Chief isn't in the room, he'll babble at me without reservation- but it's still mostly babbling. He'll say Mama sometimes when he's asking for food, he'll say his sister's name if he's really happy and wants to get her attention, but mostly his favorite word is Hi. He'll crawl up to you, grab your leg to stand up, then grin at you and say, "Hi. Hi. Hi!"
Making facial expressions like the little flirt that he is. Yesterday at Panera, he was sitting in his daddy's lap shoveling food into his mouth, and he looked over and saw two women enjoying their lunch at the next table. He proceeded to drop what was in his hand onto the floor and wave at them with a little grin on his face. One waved back and he laughed and looked down, then raised his eyes and looked at her again. I swear he's studied Flynn Rider's whole playbook!
Listening to every word his sister says. He is absolutely enamored with her! She'll ask him for a high five, or a kiss, or to say 'hi", and he'll do whatever she asks. (Meanwhile I'll ask for kisses all day, and won't get any. Well, unless he's tired and just wants Mommy cuddles.) He loves music, too, and will dance and wiggle when he hears any song- even the hymns at Mass! (And if you ask him, "Are you dancing?" he'll giggle and dance some more.)
Sleeping ALL NIGHT LONG. FINALLY. He's finally at the point where I can put him in his crib still awake and he'll either quickly fall asleep or, if he does get upset, it's just complaining and not desperation. (Does that make sense? I swear moms can tell the difference between a "hey I want to keep playing" whine and a "No I'm sad I need you" cry. For real.) He'll also nap during the day now which is very helpful- close to 2 hours in the morning and maybe an hour in the afternoon. (At daycare, not so much. He'll get about an hour or 90 minutes in but that's it- too many noises and too much fun to have.)
Loving his sister, probably more than anybody else in the world- well, except for his Mommy (sorry Mr. Geek- but you get the Daddy's girl!); shoving food in his face; flirting with strangers; toys that play music; standing up and plopping back on to the floor really fast; tickles; clapping his hands; taking selfies.
Hating saying goodbye at daycare; "all gone"; diaper changes; getting in the bath; getting out of the bath; being put down for even a second.
Well, we did it. We made it a year with this little dude. He's already quite the trouble maker- let's hope we survive another year!
Much love,
The Geeks
Growing tall and lean, as always. Just as we went in for his 12-month check-up, his clothes started getting too tight. I don't know if it's the brands he's wearing or what, but there seems to be a very big difference between 9-12 month and 12-18 month in boys' clothes that I just didn't notice with Miss Chief. Not only are the waist bands very forgiving, but the shorts are just very, very long. (I guess nobody wants their little boy to wear short-shorts when he starts to get tall?) Carter's seems to be the only exception- 18 month clothes from Carter's fit him perfectly and he doesn't look like he's swimming in them.
Eating everything, all the time. He gets his own kids meal at restaurants now, which is enough to make me never want to eat out ever again- this little piggy is going to eat us out of house and home! It's harder than you'd think to avoid dairy; I've got a butter alternative for cooking at home, and I don't cook anything with cheese in it (but everyone else can add cheese when the dish is plated), but you really don't think about how many things are made with butter. Daycare is having a particularly difficult time with accommodating him, which is surprising, since lactose intolerance is pretty common even if milk protein allergy maybe isn't- the other day they fed him some buttery crackers and freaked out when his face turned red and swollen. Mr. Geek explained on the phone that no, they probably shouldn't feed him crackers that are described as buttery on the box... He does drink soy milk at daycare, which required a doctor's note, although the doctor still won't run any actual tests to determine that it's the milk protein which causes the skin reactions. A couple of weeks on soy milk seems to be messing with his stomach though- he's bloated, gassy, and has had a blowout diaper every single day this week. We haven't been able to definitely pin it on the soy, though- it might be teething, or an ear infection, or some other food we haven't isolated. Either way, he'll pretty much eat whatever you offer, whether it makes him sick or not. (And when he's full, he'll throw it on the floor.)
Talking if his big sister will let him get a word in edge wise. I've always heard that second children take longer to start talking than the eldest and that seems to be true for him. If Chief isn't in the room, he'll babble at me without reservation- but it's still mostly babbling. He'll say Mama sometimes when he's asking for food, he'll say his sister's name if he's really happy and wants to get her attention, but mostly his favorite word is Hi. He'll crawl up to you, grab your leg to stand up, then grin at you and say, "Hi. Hi. Hi!"
Making facial expressions like the little flirt that he is. Yesterday at Panera, he was sitting in his daddy's lap shoveling food into his mouth, and he looked over and saw two women enjoying their lunch at the next table. He proceeded to drop what was in his hand onto the floor and wave at them with a little grin on his face. One waved back and he laughed and looked down, then raised his eyes and looked at her again. I swear he's studied Flynn Rider's whole playbook!
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Waiting for cupcakes at his Captain America birthday party |
Sleeping ALL NIGHT LONG. FINALLY. He's finally at the point where I can put him in his crib still awake and he'll either quickly fall asleep or, if he does get upset, it's just complaining and not desperation. (Does that make sense? I swear moms can tell the difference between a "hey I want to keep playing" whine and a "No I'm sad I need you" cry. For real.) He'll also nap during the day now which is very helpful- close to 2 hours in the morning and maybe an hour in the afternoon. (At daycare, not so much. He'll get about an hour or 90 minutes in but that's it- too many noises and too much fun to have.)
Loving his sister, probably more than anybody else in the world- well, except for his Mommy (sorry Mr. Geek- but you get the Daddy's girl!); shoving food in his face; flirting with strangers; toys that play music; standing up and plopping back on to the floor really fast; tickles; clapping his hands; taking selfies.
Hating saying goodbye at daycare; "all gone"; diaper changes; getting in the bath; getting out of the bath; being put down for even a second.
Well, we did it. We made it a year with this little dude. He's already quite the trouble maker- let's hope we survive another year!
Much love,
The Geeks
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