Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Currently, Chief is...{8 years}

 This has been simultaneously the longest and the shortest year ever.  The pandemic continues to drag on seemingly to no end, since nobody wants to make the minimum amount of effort to end it, and yet also it seems like I just blinked and Miss Chief aged an entire year.  She has only gotten more amazing as she's grown- check out just how amazing.

Thanksgiving 2020

Currently, Chief is in second grade.  She did the entirety of first grade online, and while it was the right choice for our family, it was a pretty crummy school year, academically.  Thankfully, Chief is self-motivated and seeks out further knowledge on topics she's interested in, so through games, educational shows, and books from our local public library, we've been able to sustain the momentum started with her pandemic-induced independent study in Kindergarten to make up for the absolute boredom that was first grade.  Second grade started out rather boring as well, but she's finally being challenged in Latin, religion, and spelling, if not math or science.  Hopefully she doesn't lose this love of learning and is always able to overcome the limitations of a classroom environment.

Christmas 2020

This year has really defined her role as a big sister.  Her brother is finally old enough to play with and otherwise interact with her as a peer, which means he's old enough to annoy the heck out of her.  It's also become exceedingly obvious that he wants to be just like her, and she's equal parts flattered and irritated by that.  Her baby sister was also born this year, and Chief is old enough to be actually helpful, which she absolutely relishes.  She can make her own sandwiches and fetch the baby's pacifier and fill up Mommy's water bottle and even- her favorite- hold the baby and entertain her if necessary.  

'20-'21 Dance Photo // Sterling Ballet Academy

I'm continuously amazed by how mature, how intelligent, how graceful she is- and I'm continuously fooled into thinking she's much older than she is.  She's 8 now, not 18, and I am constantly reminding myself to give her space to indulge in some nonsense every now and then.  I want her to wear princess dresses, and make up silly songs, and cook imaginary food in a pretend kitchen for as long as she wants.

Halloween 2021

Eight years of love, joy, sweetness, and sass; I can't wait to see what her future holds.

Much love, 
The Geeks

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