We had a baby shower this weekend! Both of our moms came into town to host a tea party in honor of Chief and everyone had a fantastic time.
My mom went to every antique store in her town to find different tea cups and saucers for each guest. As everyone came in, they could grab a tea cup and choose what type of tea they'd like from a small basket- breakfast tea, various fruit teas, or a vanilla-flavored tea. Then they proceeded into the dining room to put together a plate of goodies and cupcakes before taking a seat for a few fun little games.
"Eat Me" and "Drink Me" tags were scattered throughout the snack tables.
We covered the mirrored wall in streamers as a backdrop to the snack table. (If we weren't renting this place, that mirror would be long gone.) Mr. Geek graciously volunteered to serve as the day's official photographer. :)

The first game was one that was played throughout the shower. My mom handed out one clothes pin to each guest who pinned it on her outfit some place visible. From that moment on, nobody was allowed to say the word "baby" (or "the 'b' word as people started to call it). If somebody did say "baby", whoever called them out on it got to take her clothes pin and add it to her collection. If someone had 2 clothespins and then said "baby", whoever caught her got to take both clothespins. The winner was whoever had the most clothespins at the end of the party. I was technically not allowed to win, as I had an entire pile of gifts all for myself and didn't need any extra prizes, but I still played, and I was technically the winner when it was time to tally up clothespins because I was very on my game! The trick is to be creative- say "infant" or "little one" or just use her name. I also had to refrain from reading my cards out loud, otherwise I would've definitely said "baby" several times.

In this picture, we're admiring a sculpture my sister (
the artist) made and I claimed for my own...but really I just wanted to show off my outfit. I got this dress from
Asos the moment I discovered they had a maternity line! And yes, I'm wearing (low) heels, for the first time in a long time. I can't manage a whole work day in them any more, but I figured I could get properly dressed up for the party, especially since I spent most of it sitting in a rocking chair opening gifts.
Everyone sat around and enjoyed their tea and snacks before we started the next game. (And they also had a chance to peruse our wedding album which I FINALLY had made. I promise I'll post wedding recaps soon!)
The first game was a memory game, only it wasn't announced as such. Mom filled a basket with 21 unique baby items and walked around the room to show everyone- you could look, but you couldn't touch. Then everyone was given a sheet of paper and a pen and 3 minutes to write down as many items as they could remember. After the initial go-round, she had everyone put their pens down and take one more very quick look, then another minute to add to their list. The prize obviously went to whomever could correctly list the most items.
The last game was a word un-scramble. Everyone had 5 minutes to un-scramble as many jumbled up baby-related words that they could from a list of about 20. This was apparently pretty hard- no one was able to figure out all of them!
Gratuitous photo of our gallery wall :)
And then it was time for presents!
(This is from the front cover of
The Baby Owner's Manual which appears to be both hilarious and informative.)
Uh-oh, my friends are feeding my
Kohl's habit!
(The calculus book was a big hit. Chief is going to be a little nerd before she even learns the word "cool".)
Chief has quite the growing library already, including this beautiful pop-up
Alice in Wonderland.
...and then the battery died in the camera :/ But Chief received many more gifts of bibs, shoes, clothes, blankets, toys, and other necessities. After the gift opening, we chose a winner for the clothespin game and everyone breathed a sigh of relief as they were once again allowed to say the word "baby" at a baby shower :)
We all had so much fun, and it was great to catch up with friends I haven't seen in a while, either because they don't live near us or because being pregnant has made us a little anti-social :) Chief is so blessed to have two wonderful grandmothers who will love her and spoil her- they already have!
What are your favorite baby shower games? Have you been to any themed parties lately? Moms- what were your favorite gifts for Baby?
Much love,
The Geeks
*all photos personal, taken by the lovely and talented Mr. Geek*