Mr. Geek and I both took the day off yesterday to do baby stuff. We had an OB appointment in the morning for my glucose test, an ultrasound to follow up on a (thankfully) non-issue, and a regular check-up. (Side note: I really do consider these doctors appointments to be our appointments. I realize he doesn't have to be there but I love that he's made an effort to come to every single one, to hold my hand when they draw blood, to watch the screen with me when they show us our baby girl. He asks the doctor questions and sometimes remembers instructions I might forget, and is overall 100% invested in this whole being-a-dad business.) Then in the afternoon, we went to tour a daycare center that we're looking at for when I go back to work in February. (The center is wonderful, and I know they'll take good care of her, but still...I don't want to think about having to drop her off there every day.) So going back to work this morning, after having Thursday off, was rather difficult- we had to wake up early for the doctor's appointment, so I wasn't quite in full weekend-mode yet, but still. Today felt more like a formality than anything else, a box to check before I was allowed to say, "Okay, the week is over now." In other words- I wasn't very productive ;)
The internet was plenty productive this week! Here are some of the awesome things I found:
SakaCon made some adorable earrings out of shrinking plastic- you know, like Shrinky-Dinks!
Geek in Heels wrote a post about how you just can't please everybody- especially as a blogger. I agree with the sentiment 100%, but still, I can't help but to want people to like me, and to be deeply affected when they don't.
Bloggers have been singing the praises of engineering prints for years now, but I love the way Kaelah Bee has used them to do a gallery of wedding photos! I'm definitely stealing this idea!!
Thank you to Engadget for reporting on the fact that every episode of Goosebumps ever is now available on Netflix Instant. YES.
What awesomeness happened on your internet this week?
Much love,
The Geeks
The internet was plenty productive this week! Here are some of the awesome things I found:
kitties playing leap frog! // via Cheezburger |
One does not simply build a hotel on Mordor... // via ThinkGeek |
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A LOST-themed nursery...perhaps for baby #2? // via M&J Collection |
these look delicious! // via Little Big |
SakaCon made some adorable earrings out of shrinking plastic- you know, like Shrinky-Dinks!
Geek in Heels wrote a post about how you just can't please everybody- especially as a blogger. I agree with the sentiment 100%, but still, I can't help but to want people to like me, and to be deeply affected when they don't.
Bloggers have been singing the praises of engineering prints for years now, but I love the way Kaelah Bee has used them to do a gallery of wedding photos! I'm definitely stealing this idea!!
Thank you to Engadget for reporting on the fact that every episode of Goosebumps ever is now available on Netflix Instant. YES.
What awesomeness happened on your internet this week?
Much love,
The Geeks
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